The Yangtze River which is now fully dammed below the Gorges had experienced a drought which had left a wide band of bleched rock and dead bushes above the waterline
Now the river generates an immense amount of power, much of which is wasted in cities with garish light displays It prevents floods down river in the extesive plains - hopefully. it allows larger ships to come right inland to Chungking by shiplift or 5 locks. but to a tourist:- The River Yangtze winds Towards the Dam, Leads to Reminiscences on Communism. Sad to see the Yangtze filling Far above those stoney shores, Those flats between the rock bound gorges, Where once a patient donkey stood To be unloaded. His load was bags of pea pods Glimpsed green beneath the plastic, Thatd come from up the fertile valley For transfer to a little boat To take to feed a city. I wonder how they do it now Or are those fields flooded too? It seems theres only bush up there.
The Gorge sides rise so vertical Without the work of centuries To gently pare away the rock. With water and with wind Mounts that form the Gorges, Like that beaut, the Goddess, Lose their majesty When drapelike skirts Are inundated. Tis true the fog is whiter No longer yellow grey and smelly, Above the new white cities on the shore.
Dwellings behind shops With yard out back, with scrawny hen to lay an egg, Are now pulled down and drowned. Owners herded into high-rise blocks, A wellworn communistic ruse To exercise control
from here we get political so will not continue. But our American ship was very comfortable and well organised and the waitresses wre wonderful dancers with a show each night.