The first telescope was demonstrated by Dutch lensmaker Hans Lippershey today in 1608. The word "telescope" (from the Greek "teleskopos" = "far-seeing") was actually coined a few years later by Galileo Galilei when he adapted Lippershey's invention. Oscar Wilde once said that "we're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars." If you're one of the latter, read all the latest news in space science here
My GGGF Andrew Barclay was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in the Mid 19th Century. He was proposed by a visiting fellow to Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, who saw and viewed the stars through a Gregorian telescope that my GGGF had made. He was so impressed by the quality of the telescope and proposed my GGF for a Fellowship of the Scociety.
My GGGF was very proud to be an FRAS and he published an article about Jupiter that created a fair amount of adverse criticism.
The telescope was gifted to the Dick Institute in Kilmarnock and I fist saw it in 1998. I was thrilled to see this instrument that was built by my GGF.
I had been told as a wee boy about Auld Barclay as he was called by us but we did not know that any of his telescopes survived.
G'day Andy, I was not sure whether to post this Fact or not, I am now very happy I did; thanks for sharing this part of your Family History with us, regards, Rabbie.